Starfish Recovery and Wellness - Richmond, VA

Starfish Recovery and Wellness - Substance Use Care in Richmond, VA

Headquartered in Richmond, VA, Starfish Recovery and Wellness is a residential living organization that employs a "whole person" approach to recovery, utilizing evidence-based wellness practices to increase each resident's likelihood of long-term success. Founded by Frank R. Bellanger III, a former director of recovery programs for a Tri-County regional jail, Starfish Recovery and Wellness has been helping people in surrounding areas with substance use disorder since 2020.

Represented by the five arms of a Starfish, the organization follows a five-pronged approach to holistic wellness, prioritizing the emotional, mental, social, physical, and educational needs of its residents. Through its mindfulness program, guests learn valuable recovery tools like body scanning, guided imagery, and meditation. They also participate in team-building activities, including exercise, to promote community. In addition, they complete the WELLBEING curriculum, created in alignment with Virginia Standards of Learning for Health.

Starfish also promotes inclusive recovery models, encouraging its residents to follow the pathway that resonates with them the most, whether it's SMART recovery, faith-based, Dharma, or the 12-step program. It's accredited by the Virginia Association of Recovery Residences.

Starfish Recovery and Wellness

Starfish Recovery and Wellness


Starfish Recovery and Wellness
5511 Staples Mill Rd Suite 300
Henrico, VA US